The scope:

The main contractor actively engaged the BBI team in multiple areas to support, challenge, and develop a new school’s delivery programme and processes with its project team.

These areas included:

  • Collaboratively embedding a performance culture, routines and mechanisms like measures of success and feedback loops to drive continuous improvement.
  • Utilising visual management as a mechanism to engage teams and clarify site operations and daily work activities.
  • Embedding and driving daily management routines and coaching the teams to challenge what they should be doing, where they should be working, and what opportunities there are.
  • Challenging the existing plans, building sequences and enhancing the programme to engage teams, optimise processes and ensure plans are robust and fully bought into.
  • Engaging Subcontractors to eliminate waste and optimise construction processes.

The BBI approach:

BBI worked over a relatively short period to engage the teams and develop new ways of working. The opportunities were fully analysed using process improvement tools and techniques to eliminate waste. To achieve a level of maturity and robustness that could be sustained, the BBI specialist coached the teams to embed the performance management and improvement methods.

There were several challenges identified and solutions devised:

  • Challenge: The project delivery programme needed to be reduced.
  • Challenge: Performance routines and metrics needed embedding to drive continuous improvement through the Plan Do Check Act cycle (PDCA). Solution: Implemented, coached and embedded the PDCA approach with all stakeholders.
  • Challenge: Defining and capturing metrics. Without clear metrics we cannot Plan, Do, Check, Act. Solution: BBI created templates and dashboards to capture and visually display data.
  • Challenge: Daily activity briefings (DABs) were not capturing the daily performance against the plan. Solution: Refined the DAB’s approach and coached the teams so it became the operational norm.

Key achievements:

  • The programme was revised to be 3 weeks ahead of the plan
  • Processes, routines and metrics were embedded as a way of working
  • Teamwork enhanced and best practice audit score increased by 40%

Key successes:

  • 58 Days saved against activities
  • Reduced lead time of individual planned activities
  • Concern Cause Counter Measure process captures opportunities for improvement

Comments from the team:

“You won’t see a better example of Collaborative Planning anywhere in our organisation.”

“Everyone can now see what’s going on and what’s coming up.”

“Easier to grasp and understand, we should have done metrics earlier.”

What next?

Do you want to reduce your programme durations and increase certainty?

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